The Sutrah is an object, such as a wall, or a post, and arm’s length, which a person faces while praying or any other which a person places to serve as a Sutrah, by putting it on the ground in order that no one may cross in front of him while praying. The Messenger of Allah (Salla-Allaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Pray facing a Sutrah, and let no one may cross in front of him while praying. If he insists, then prevent him by force because he is accompanied by shaitan.” [Ibn Khuzaimah in his Saheeh with a sound isnaad]

And he (Salla-Allaahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “When one of you prays facing a Sutrah, let him pray close to it so that Shaitan may not be able to nullify his prayer.” [Abu Dawud, Bazaar and al-Hakim]

The above tradition clearly indicates that Shaitan crosses in front of a praying person who prays without a Sutrah, causing his prayer person who prays without Sutrah, causing his prayer to be null and void without being aware of it. Even if one prays in an open field, he should place a Sutrah in front of him.

It is not permissible to take the line on the ground as a Sutrah.

In the congregational prayer, the followers are not obliged to take Sutrah. The Sutrah in this case is the responsibility of the Imam only.

If a person joins the prayer late, then he must pray what he missed with the Imam by putting a Sutrah in front of him before starting the prayer. It is allowed for him to move a little to his left or right to be nearest wall or Sutrah.

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